Why is Luzella more expensive than other commercial nut spreads that you find on shelves of supermarkets?

Luzella might be the most expensive almond spread in the world. Thats because the ingredients are very limited, only available in Morocco, super healthy, 100% natural and with limited availability.

  1. Rare Ingredients: The use of exclusive, limited-production ingredients like Moroccan beldi almonds, pure Moroccan honey, and 100% pure Argan oil contributes to its higher cost. These ingredients are not only scarce but also renowned for their exceptional quality and purity, making Luzella a premium product.
  2. Ethical Sourcing: The sourcing of these ingredients involves high-quality, ethically obtained elements that support local communities and sustainable practices. This ethical commitment adds to the cost, ensuring fair compensation for local producers and sustainable harvesting methods.
  3. Production on Demand: Unlike mass-produced spreads that often sit on shelves for extended periods, Luzella is produced on order. This means it’s made with fresh ingredients, without any need for additives or preservatives. This not only guarantees freshness but also elevates the quality of the final product, contributing to its higher price point.
  4. No Additives: The absence of additives or preservatives is a crucial factor. Many commercial spreads incorporate additives for longer shelf life or modified flavors, compromising on the purity and natural essence of the ingredients. Luzella’s commitment to pure, unadulterated ingredients adds to its cost but ensures a genuinely natural and premium product.
  5. Handcrafted Quality: The attention to detail and handcrafted nature of production, with a focus on each order, ensures a level of quality control that surpasses mass production. This meticulous process, coupled with the high-grade ingredients, contributes to its higher price tag.
  6. Health Benefits: The unique combination of these rare, high-quality ingredients not only adds to the luxurious taste but also brings health benefits. For instance, the inclusion of Argan oil, known for its rich nutrient profile, adds value to the spread beyond mere taste, contributes to the higher cost for health-conscious consumers.
  7. Exclusive Nature: Luzella’s limited availability, both in terms of its rare ingredients and the production-on-order model, creates a sense of exclusivity. This uniqueness and the commitment to top-tier quality contribute to its higher price, appealing to a discerning clientele seeking something truly special.

In essence, while the price might be higher compared to other commercial spreads, the value lies in the exceptional quality, exclusivity, ethical sourcing, and health benefits that Luzella offers—a truly premium experience for those who appreciate the finest ingredients and craftsmanship.

Do we have to refrigerate Luzella?

Not necessarily. As a matter of fact we recommend you not to. The best way to store Luzella is in a dry, dark and cool place at room temperature. Refrigerating Luzella can make it thicker and harder to come out of the container. However if you like this texture you can refrigerate them.

Luzella almond butters are smoother than the others… Do you add any oil to make it more liquid?

No. Only 100% pure Argan Oil.

Is Luzella sweetened?

No. Only 100% pure Honey.

Do you use stabilizers?

No! Never! No artificial ingredients.

What is so special about Luzella Moroccan Almond (Beldi)?

Luzella Almond consists of 100% unpeeled Moroccan Almonds (Beldi). It has very strong tasty aroma and considered one of the best Almonds in the world. Many conventional nut butters contain palm oil as a cheap ingredient to make them more spreadable. Our almond butter doesn’t need that, so literally nothing gets into the jar apart from the almonds. Neither sugar nor salt nor other flavorings, colorings and preservatives find their way into our brown almond butter.

I do not see my question listed…. How can I contact you?

We are always happy to answer any of your questions. Please contact us at info@luzella.com and we will be in contact with you as soon as possible.